Plugin insertion

Jflow is a jQuery plugins and requires:

To use jflow, add the the following files to your WEB site:

Jflow provides different plugins to allow the developper to build easily his own WEB application. The The following code presents an example of how to use the availablewf plugin:

  	serverURL: "http://localhost:8080",

Available workflows availablewf()

The availablewf() plugin is in charge to display the list of all implemented workflows. This list can be filtered and its visualization can be customized.



Call availablewf with id element with a single line of JavaScript:


Options can be passed via JavaScript.

Name Type Required Default value Description
serverURL path false http://localhost:8080 The remote URL pointing to the running jflow server.
template string false Base HTML to use when creating the list of available workflows. The template will be injected into the defined element (element).
filters list false [] Defines the workflow classes that should not be displayed.
filter_groups list false [] Defines the workflow groups that should be filtered.
select boolean false false If true the workflows filtered using the filter_groups option will be displayed, if false they will not.



Requests the jflow server to reload and refresh the workflow list.



Event Type Description
select.availablewf This event fires immediately when the user select a workflow on the list. The selected workflow is given as parameter to the callback function.
$('#element').on('select.availablewf', function (workflow) {
  // do something…

Active Workflows activewf()

The activewf() plugin displays a table with all the executed workflows. It allows to monitor all the workflows and can be an enter point to monitor a specific workflow.



Call activewf with id element with a single line of JavaScript:


Options can be passed via JavaScript.

Name Type Required Default value Description
serverURL path false http://localhost:8080 The remote URL pointing to the running jflow server.
template string false - Base HTML to use when creating the list of active workflows. The template will be injected into the defined element (element).
metadataFilter list false new Array() Filter the displayed workflows by a list of metadata.



Requests the jflow server to reload and refresh the active workflow list.



Event Type Description
select.activewf This event fires immediately when the user select a workflow on the list. The selected workflow with an initialized status is given as parameter to the callback function.
$('#element').on('select.activewf', function (workflow) {
  // do something…

Workflow form wfform()

The wfform() plugin builds the form the final user have to fill to run the workflow. The form can be customized and several user actions can be catched.



Call wfform with id element with a single line of JavaScript:


Options can be passed via JavaScript.

Name Type Required Default value Description
serverURL path false http://localhost:8080 The remote URL pointing to the running jflow server.
[*]Template string false - wfform provides several templates for several types. As example, the dateTemplate is in charge to display a date type. The other available templates are choiceTemplate, inputfileTemplate, browsefileTemplate, regexpfilesTemplate, booleanTemplate, textTemplate and progressTemplate.
workflowClass string true null The workflow class name, as defined in the Python class, of the workflow to build.
displayRunButton boolean false true Should wfform display the button in charge to run the workflow.
displayResetButton boolean false true Should wfform display the button in charge to reset the workflow.
parameters hashtable false {} A hashtable fixing the value of the desired parameters defined by {param:value}. All the parameters with a fixed value will be hidden from the form populated to the final user.
timer number false 2000 The time in milliseconds between 2 updates of progressTemplate displayed when files have to be uploaded.
forceIframeTransport boolean false false In case the application required cross-domain requests, the parameter should be settled to true.



Resets all the form fields.



Requests the jflow server to run the workflow with the specified parameters. Before submiting the workflow to the server, all the fields are checked. Once the workflow is launched on the server side, the event run.wfform is triggered.



Render the form. This method can be useful when the form is built within a hidden $("#element"). The function allows to render all form components such as the handsontable displayed for MultiParameterList.



Load the workflow information and display the corresponding form.



Event Type Description
uploaded.wfform This event fires immediately when the files to upload are all uploaded.
run.wfform This event is fired when the workflow has been launched on the server side.
uploading.wfform This event is fired immediately when the upload of the files is started.
loaded.wfform This event is fired when the workflow information have been retrieved from the server.
$('#element').on('uploaded.wfform', function (workflow) {
  // do something…

Workflow status wfstatus()

The wfstatus() plugin is used to display a workflow execution status. This plugin is able to display the workflow status using a component list layout or using a graph layout. In both case each command lines run are monitored and an error report is provided if something wrong happends.



Call wfstatus with id element with a single line of JavaScript:


Options can be passed via JavaScript.

Name Type Required Default value Description
serverURL path false http://localhost:8080 The remote URL pointing to the running jflow server.
headTemplate string false - Base HTML to define the description of the workflow status.
listTemplate string false - Base HTML to define how to display the workflow monitoring when display="list".
workflowID number true null Defines the workflow ID returned by the server once it is launched.
verbose boolean false false Should the error be verbose.
display string false "graph" How should be displayed the workflow status - "graph" | "list". When "graph" is specified, each components are represented by a node and a link between 2 nodes is displayed if a file outputed by a component is used as input by the other one. "list" allows to represent each components by a progress bar.



Requests the jflow server to reload and refresh the workflow status.



Requests the jflow server to rerun the workflow.



Render the status. This method can be useful when the form is built within a hidden $("#element"). The function allows to render the cytoscape graph.


.wfstatus('reset', component_name)

Requests the jflow server to reset a specific component. The component_name variable should be given to the function.

$('#element').wfstatus('reset', component_name)

Workflow outputs wfoutputs()

The wfoutputs() plugin displays all the generated outputs produced by the workflow execution and provides a link to download the resulting files.



Call wfoutputs with id element with a single line of JavaScript:


Options can be passed via JavaScript.

Name Type Required Default value Description
serverURL path false http://localhost:8080 The remote URL pointing to the running jflow server.
template string false - Base HTML to use when creating the list of workflow outputs. The template will be injected into the defined element (element).
logFile list false [".stderr", ".stdout", ".log"] Defines the extensions of all the log files.
workflowID number true null The ID of the workflow for which the outputs should be returned.



Requests the jflow server to reload and refresh the outputs list.
